A Level Geography

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Everything to do with the Hydrological Cycle!!

For everything there is to know about the hydrological cycle and movement and storage within the hydrological cycle click here!!

Drainage Basins!!

A drainage basin (or catchment area) is a region of land where water from rain or snowmelt drains downhill into a body of water, such as a river, lake, dam, estuary, wetland, sea or ocean.For more information click here!!

Residence Times!!

The residence time is the average time a substance spends within a particular volume of space. For example, the residence time of water within groundwater is about 10,000 years. For A detailed picture click Here!!

The Water Cycle!!

The water cycle is the process that all water takes. It includes precipitation which is the falling of water in any form to earth, infiltration which is the process in which water is absorbed into the soil (it may also flow off the surface called surface runoff), evaporation or transpiration which is either when water is heated and turns into water vapour or when plants use the water and give it off as water vapour, condensation which is when the water vapour cools and forms clouds. This process is then repeated over and over again. For More Information click HERE!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

CIA: World Factbook!

CIA:World Factbook Contains information on countries around the World and is useful for finding information out on Countries or Locations e.g population size, literacy rates, maps .....

Geography in the News!!

Click Here for Up-to-date geography resources and links based on the topical issues in the news from the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)

Water Shortages!!

Water useage rates are nearly double that of the population growth and with the population rising in millions every year, fresh water supplies are becoming scarce! It is said that by 2025 over a third of the world's population will be heavily affected by water shortages!! For more information and water shortages and graphs click Here!


Desalination or desalinization refers to any of several processes that remove the excess salt and other minerals from water in order to obtain fresh water!! For more information on this subject click Here!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

News in Geography!!

For up-to-date news in geography go Here!!

Geography Site!!

Here is a great a level geography site - Physical and Human!!